Chelsea B Foster | Holistic Business Coach for overwhelmed and struggling female entrepreneurs

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January 2019 Tech Pretties



Hello 2019!

A new year is upon us and I, for one, am incredibly excited for this year! 2018 was incredible for me, but was definitely a building and growing year. I’m looking forward to all of that hard work paying off in big ways this year!

In addition to being excited in general for this year, I’m also excited for a new way of setting my goals. I’ve got another post coming at you later this week all about it. In the meantime, head on over to Burnout-Proof Your Biz Podcast and listen to Episode 34 where I talk a little bit about why I’m doing things differently this year and when I think you should stick to more traditional goal-setting methods.

But enough about all that! Let’s get to the tech pretties!


What are tech pretties?

They are pretty backgrounds and wallpapers for all your tech devices. Download and save to your desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile phone. 

Each month I create and share a new tech pretty design. And they are absolutely free!

I originally started them because I wanted a calendar on my desktop background and decided to share them for fun. And a lot of you seem to really like them! So I keep sharing them each and every month.


How do you get your tech pretties?

Just fill out the form below and they'll be sent to your inbox immediately. After you confirm your subscription, you'll get all future tech pretties delivered straight to your inbox each month - and usually a day or two before I release them on the website! Wahoo for insider status!

(Note - you'll only be added to the Tech Pretties list using this form. If you want to be added to my other emails, click here to become a CBF Insider.) 


About this month's design

The new year calls for celebration! So I’ve got some starburst on one design. But it’s still snowy out for a lot of you (I live in California, so I have to travel to get snow) and I love the look of snowflakes, so I’ve got a snowflake design for you too!

Which design will you pick?

Y’all know I rely on amazing digital artists for the graphics used within the monthly tech pretties. This month’s designs are brought to you from the Sparkling Snowflakes Collection* by Antuanetto*.

Also used in this month's tech pretty design are the fonts: Montserrat (free font) and Foxglow*



Okay, go download your own tech pretty! Add your info below and then go check your inbox for them. Remember, tech pretties are for personal use only. Thanks!

And be sure to tag me on instagram if you download them! I'd love to see 'em in action. 

See this content in the original post

Downloads are for personal use only. Thanks, love!

Filling out the form above subscribes you to the Monthly Tech Pretty email list, meaning I'll send you an email each month when the new Tech Pretties are ready to be downloaded. No spam and no other emails from me. If you want to receive all of my emails, click here to become a CBF Insider

* Affiliate link -- I don't often share affiliate links, but I love this product and know you will too!  I get a commission when you purchase this font/graphic from Creative Market using the link above. 

See this gallery in the original post


See this gallery in the original post

See this content in the original post