How to Stay Productive While Working from Home with Shaunae Teske & Sarah Schrader


Burnout-Proof Your Biz Podcast with Chelsea B Foster | Episode 037 - How to Stay Productive While Working from Home with Shaunae Teske & Sarah Schrader | Learn how to run your biz and live your dream life on your own terms without the fear of bu…

We've all been there - we start our business thinking, "This is great! I'll finally have the freedom to do what I want when I want." And it's great for a week or two. But then we realize we actually have to get stuff done on a consistent basis.

Figuring out how to be your own boss and stay productive when there are a thousand things around the house calling for your attention can be a job in and of itself. But with a little practice and some discipline, you too can be a productive work-from-home entrepreneur!

In this episode my guests, Shaunae Teske & Sarah Schrader, and I share some of our experiences and tips on how to actually stay productive when you work from home, how to create routines for success and remember to eat and take breaks, even how to create a schedule that allows you to be present during "work" time and present during "life" time.

Shaunae Teske & Sarah Schrader, are the co-creators of the creative business owner focused Creative Legacy podcast, which focuses on helping creative entrepreneurs build their business while leading a life of intention, joy, and adventure. Separately, they are successful business owners - Sarah a brand and marketing graphic designer and Shaunae a photographer & educator. And today they are sharing all their secrets for staying productive while working from home.

Want help creating your own routines/schedules and learning how to stay focused?

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Click below to listen to this week's episode:


In today's episode:

  • The struggles we face when we work from home (complete with anecdotes from Sarah & Shaunae)

  • How to keep a schedule and why it's so important

  • Why you need to remember to eat and take breaks and how to remember to take them

  • How to stay accountable and productive when you don't have a boss directing your work

  • Creating morning and nighttime routines to set you up for success + what Sarah & Shaunae's routines look like

  • How to separate your office and your home space - even if you don't have a separate room to work in

  • How to set and communicate your schedule and boundaries with those that share a living space with you.

  • How to plan for time off - vacations, important events, self-care, etc. - and why you should be taking time off even as a new business owner

Just because you work from home, doesn’t mean you can’t have a schedule.
— Shaunae Teske & Sarah Schrader
Episode 37, Burnout-Proof Your Biz Podcast

Tools we discussed:

*affiliate link(s)


Today's Permission Slip:

Each episode I give you a permission slip - a reminder to give yourself permission to run your business and live your dream life on your own terms.

In today’s episode we talked a lot about creating a schedule that works for you. And one of the most important pieces of any productive schedule is planned breaks for rest and nourishment. This means actually stepping away from your computer, getting some fresh air and a snack (or full meal), and letting your mind and body do something other than work.

And I get that it’s hard to do this! I used to be the queen of looking up at 7pm, wondering where the entire day had gone and realizing that I hadn’t eaten anything all day.

Your mental health & family are way more important than booking clients.
— Shaunae Teske & Sarah Schrader
Episode 37, Burnout-Proof Your Biz Podcast

But once I made it a priority, I felt so much better! I was less cranky, better able to focus on tasks, and actually got WAY more done than when I wasn’t taking breaks.

So your permission slip today is, naturally, to allow yourself to take those breaks. If you’re just dipping getting started, aim for at least a meal break and two rest breaks.

I give myself permission to take a break midday to refuel my body and rest my brain.

Use some of the techniques we shared in today’s episode to get yourself in the habit of taking breaks. You’ll start seeing a big difference in your productivity soon!


Connect with SHAUNAE & SARAH:




Shaunae Teske & Sarah Schrader - Guest on Episode 37 of The Burnout-Proof Your Biz Podcast with Chelsea B Foster |

Let’s Connect!

If we aren't already friends, I'd love to get to know you! The absolute best place to do that is on Instagram. I hang out there pretty much all the time. I'm @chelseabfoster. Come say hi!


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Burnout-Proof Your Biz Podcast with Chelsea B Foster | Episode 037 - How to Stay Productive While Working from Home with Shaunae Teske & Sarah Schrader | Learn how to run your biz and live your dream life on your own terms without the fear of bu…
Burnout-Proof Your Biz Podcast with Chelsea B Foster | Episode 037 - How to Stay Productive While Working from Home with Shaunae Teske & Sarah Schrader | Learn how to run your biz and live your dream life on your own terms without the fear of bu…