The Online File Management Tools I Swear By

(aka - I Spilled a Venti Coffee on My Laptop… But Didn’t Freak Out)

with Chelsea B. Foster

burnout-proof your business podcast  |  workflow & productivity specialist | managing your files | prepping your business for disasters | using online file syncing | using google drive | using dropbox

Burnout-Proof Your Biz Podcast with Chelsea B Foster | Episode 074 - The Online File Management Tools I Swear By||burnout-proof your business podcast | workflow & productivity specialist | managing your files | prepping your business for disaste…

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A few weeks ago while in Missouri, I spilled a venti cup of coffee on my laptop ... but I actually didn't freak out.

During this solo episode I'm sharing why I didn't freak out, the online file management tools that I swear by, and what you can do to prepare for any eventuality when it comes to making sure the files on your computer or laptop stay safe.

In the episode I share:

  • How I didn't freak out when spilling a massive cup of coffee on my laptop

  • The steps I took to prevent damage to my laptop and what you can do to prepare for the inevitable

  • Why I love Google Drive & Dropbox

Do you use an online file management system? If so, I’d love to hear about it! If not, I’d love to help you backup your files and never have to fear accidents. DM me over on instagram to get started chatting.


Want help streamlining your file management process?

Schedule a free consultation call today! On the call we’ll chat about your ideal process and how I can help you make it a reality. Plus give you a few steps to take immediately after the call to get you started (because I’m all about implementation).


My sincere hope for you is that you never have to experience losing data. Especially client data!

So today’s permission slip is to pick an online place for your files and to start using it. I love being able to have my files synced so I always know there’s a backup online (as long as I’ve saved recently and am on wifi).

In the episode I shared how this system saved me at least 2 times in the last year and half. And I know it’ll be a huge help in your business too.

Burnout-Proof Your Biz Podcast with Chelsea B Foster | Episode 074 - The Online File Management Tools I Swear By||burnout-proof your business podcast | workflow & productivity specialist | managing your files | prepping your business for disaste…

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Burnout-Proof Your Biz Podcast with Chelsea B Foster | Episode 074 - The Online File Management Tools I Swear By||burnout-proof your business podcast | workflow & productivity specialist | managing your files | prepping your business for disaste…