Lessons from Taking 2 Months Away from My Business
with Chelsea B. Foster
burnout-proof your business podcast | workflow & productivity specialist | planning for time off | planning for emergencies before they happen | systems to let you take time off | systems for sabbaticals and leaves of absences as an entrepreneur | planning for the worst-case scenarios
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Have you ever wanted or needed to take time off from your business but felt so much pressure to keep the wheels moving that you didn't feel like it was even an option?
Girl, I used to feel that way… I used to never want to quit working at night because I had too much to do and not enough time to get it all done.
Over the last few years, I’ve been working on changing that - for me and for my clients. And this summer, my systems were put to the test.
After taking 3 planned weeks off, I took another 4 unplanned weeks off due to family emergencies (some happy, some sad - August was a roller coaster of extreme emotions). Some systems were amazing… and some could still use some improvement.
In this episode…
I'm sharing how I was able to take 2 full months off from my business (without it imploding!) - the systems I put in place and the mindset I had to allow myself to do take the time off. I'm also sharing what I'm doing to improve on this in the future.
Why I took 2 months off from my business + why it was the right decision for me
How to know what's right for you in any situation
The systems that allowed me to do this without my business feeling it too much
The mindset that made it possible for me to give myself permission to take time off
The systems that I'm looking into for the future so things go even smoother (and don't have to go on 100% pause-mode while I'm out)
And because I want you to be able to step away from your business if you ever need to, I’ve got a freebie to help you get started.
Download your free workbook (yes a full workbook) on the three things you need to burnout-proof your biz. These are the foundations every business needs to be success and help you through those stressful time, the times when you aren’t sure what decision to make, and the time when you feel like you should be working more - while also being a better wife/mother/sister/daughter/etc.
Want to chat about how you can prepare your business for the unexpected? DM me over on instagram - I’d love to chat with you about it!
Want help creating the right systems and workflows for your business?
Schedule a free consultation call today! On the call we’ll chat about your dream and how I can help you make it a reality. Plus give you a few steps to take immediately after the call to get you started (because I’m all about implementation).
If you haven’t already, it’s time to get crystal clear on your why, on what’s important to you, on what you want to put your focus, energy, and attention into.
If you’ve already done this - amazing! Go back and revisit it to make sure it’s current. And to make sure you’re staying true to it.
Having these things written down will help you make tough decisions - picking between opportunities, saying yes to a potential client or not, putting your phone away while you’re at your kid’s soccer game or not, etc. It’ll put a magnifying glass on what’s most important to you and help you say “yes” to those things more often and “no” to the rest more often.
Grab your free workbook to help you through this process.
#cbfbookclub - Essentialism (September) & Profit First (October)
Later - How I schedule all social media and most IG Stories
Zapier - Automations for EVERYTHING
Dubsado - How I automate my inquiry process & booking process
Acuity - How I automate booking calls
Voxer - How I communicate with my clients
Out of Office - How to set up your out of office message in Gmail

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I empower creatives, bloggers, and coaches break the cycle of overwhelm and burnout, and scale beyond their dreams so they can step into that lifestyle of freedom they actually want and truly deserve--and they can do it right now.
As a former teacher, my goal is always to help you understand how to do it on your own and how different techniques, strategies, and tools apply to you and your business. There is no one right way to run a successful business!
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